Do You Know God’s name?

God wants us to know HIM by our relationship to HIM. So when we state who HE is to us that is His name! Each day look for His presence through His involvement in your life and State it outloud! And the Kingdom Flow will be increased in your life!
The Wicker Basket

The Wicker Basket

A Wise Grandpa I just got this in an email so many of you may have already seen it. The story touched me though and helped me understand that it isn’t so much what you hold as how you are changed that matters to God! The story is told of an old man who lived on...
A Most Holy Place

A Most Holy Place

We are fearfully and wonderfully made to be a dwelling place for God!! When you invite Him to dwell in you, You become His tabernacle! He created all of your Anatomy and Physiology to hold HIS PRESENCE so that Heaven can flow through YOU! When God gave the children of...